The following professionals contributed to the development of this website:

David Stockdale, Chief Executive, British Tinnitus Association

David M. Baguley, PhD, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust

Casey Keaton, Audiologist, Thrive Hearing and Tinnitus Solutions

Peter Kreuzer, Dr. med., Klink und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Universität Regensburg am Bezirksklinikum

Tobias Kleinjung, Prof. Dr. med., Leitender Arzt, ORL Klinik des Universailtätsspitals

Brigit Mazurek, Prof. ENT, TInnituszentrum, Charité-Universitätsmedizin

Don McFerran, ENT, Colchester Hospital University

Alessandra Fioretti, ENT, Tinnitus Center, European Hospital, Rome

Paula J. Meyers, PhD, CCC-A, Chief, Audiology Section, James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital

Sharon A. Sandridge, PhD, Director, Audiology Clinical Services Head and Neck Institute

Glynnis Tidball, Audiologist, St. Paul's Hospital

The Ida Institute works to build a community that embraces person-centered hearing care

Together with clinicians, academics, and people with hearing loss around the world, we help people develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to better manage hearing loss.

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The British Tinnitus Association works to help individuals with tinnitus

The British Tinnitus Association strives to be the primary source of support and information for people with tinnitus and their carers in the UK and to advocate on their behalf. BTA is a world leader in providing support and advice about tinnitus. We provide accurate, reliable and authoritative information, much of it written by medical professionals or clinical researchers.